Ce qu'il faut voir en Gozo
17 lieux à voir absolument

The Azure Window was definitely one of the most attractive attractions in the whole of Malta. It is located in Dwejra on the west coast of Gozo. [btn "Find accommodation on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-azurove-okno] This impressive place has become a popular film location, you may remember the Azure Window from the first season of the popular TV series Games of Thrones. It was here that…
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Falaise, La crique, Vigie, Plage de Stony, Formation naturelle
À quelques dizaines de mètres de la zone entourant l'ancienne Fenêtre d'Azur se trouve la magnifique baie photogénique de Dwejra, avec ses falaises abruptes et ses vues à couper le souffle sur les couchers de soleil. L'entrée de la baie est couverte par le rocher Fungus, qui complète l'aspect magnifique et intéressant de la baie de Dwejra. [btn "Trouver un logement à Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2397605;label…
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La crique, Plage de galets
L'étroite baie de Wied Il-Ghasri est une perle cachée de la partie nord de l'île. Cette longue baie photogénique est entourée de falaises de pierre, le long desquelles vous pouvez monter des marches qui vous mèneront à une minuscule plage de galets. [btn "Trouver un logement à Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2397605;label=p-gozo-wied-ghasri] Si la mer est calme, la baie est également propice à la baignade et à…
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Plage de sable
Ramla Bay est sans aucun doute la plage la plus populaire et la plus célèbre de toute l'île. Vous verrez même des photos de cette pittoresque plage de sable sur la plupart des supports promotionnels de Malte. [btn "Trouver un logement à Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2397605;label=p-gozo-ramla] La plage est recouverte d'un sable fin rouge-orange spécifique, qui se transforme progressivement en dunes de sable à…
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The Church of St John the Baptist, more commonly referred to as Rotunda of Xewkija, is the largest church on the island of Gozo and one of the largest in the whole of Malta. [btn "Find accommodation on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-xewkija] It is located in a small town with low houses, which makes its size stand out even more. The rotunda dates back to the 2nd century and was completed in…
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Tal-Mixta is an impressive cave rising about 100 metres above the sea. From the cave you can see the popular orange-red Ramla beach. This is a great spot for view lovers and keen photographers, as this cave is one of the most photogenic spots in Gozo. [btn "Find accommodation on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-tal-mixta] Directions to the cave There are two ways to reach the cave. The…
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Victoria, also known as Rabat, is the capital of Gozo. The name Rabat is more traditional, having been used since the reign of the Phoenicians. At the end of the 19th century, the city was renamed to the name Victoria as it is used today, in honour of the 25th anniversary of the reign of Queen Victoria of Britain. [btn "Find accommodation in Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-victoria] With a…
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Station de sports d'hiver, La crique, Falaise
Xlendi est considéré comme le village le plus pittoresque de Gozo. Il est dominé par une baie relativement étroite, mais ses eaux parfaitement claires invitent à la baignade pendant les mois d'été. Xlendi dispose de tous les équipements nécessaires, avec de nombreux restaurants, magasins et hôtels. [btn "Trouver un logement à Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2397605;label=p-gozo-victoria] Des falaises…
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For a long time, salt was obtained in Gozo in the traditional way, using salt pans. [btn "Find accommodation on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-victoria] On the north coast of the island, west of Marsalforn, there is a strip of about 3 kilometres long where you can walk in the immediate vicinity of salt pans that are more than 300 years old. The seawater gradually evaporates from the basins…
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Formation naturelle, Falaise
Au nord de l'île se trouve le contemporain moins connu, mais non moins époustouflant, de la fenêtre d'azur déjà effondrée. Il s'agit d'une arche en calcaire, formée par les fortes vagues de la mer. [btn "Trouver un logement à Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2397605;label=p-gozo-wied-mielah] Après l'effondrement de l'Azure Window en 2017, cet endroit est devenu plus visité, mais vous y trouverez toujours la paix…
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One of the most visited sights on Gozo is undoubtedly the Ta' Pinu Basilica. The building itself may not be one of the largest shrines in Europe, but it stands out very prominently in the open undeveloped landscape of the hilly centre of the island. [btn "Find accommodation on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-ta-pinu] The basilica, which is now a major pilgrimage site, was built in the…
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Ġgantija, or "Tower of the Giants", is an important prehistoric temple that ranks among the oldest structures in the world. [btn "Find accommodations on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-ggantija] The construction of the temple dates back to around 3,500 BC. The sanctuary is made up of huge, unmissable boulders, yet it was discovered relatively recently - stumbled upon 200 years ago by a…
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San Blas Beach is the smaller and lesser known sister of the nearby popular Ramla Beach. Like Ramla Beach, it boasts orange-red sand. [btn "Find accommodation on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-san-blas] The surrounding area is very picturesque, with rocky cliffs and scenic greenery near the beach. Beach amenities Count on the fact that San Blas beach is very small, measuring only about…
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The south of the island is dominated by the beautiful and majestic Sanap cliffs, which are still a bit of a mystery that many tourists don't know about. Among the locals, the cliffs are also known as Ta' Ċenċ Cliffs. [btn "Find accommodation on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-sanap-cliffs] The huge photogenic white cliffs are an impressive spectacle at any time of the year, and are…
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Marsalforn is a popular fishing village located on the northeast coast of Gozo. A promenade leads through the town and invites leisurely strolls. [btn "Find accommodation on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-marsalforn] The bay is surrounded by smaller cliffs which are easily accessible in several places. The town is well equipped with restaurants, shops, as well as diving centres. Beaches…
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A small narrow bay with an even smaller beach, Mgarr ix-Xini is a romantic place for lovers of beautiful nature and authentic local places with a minimum of tourists. It is located between the towns of Xewkija and Ghajnsiel. [btn "Find accommodations in Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-mgarr-xini] Mgarr ix-Xini will especially excite lovers of swimming, where the bay will provide ample space…
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If you're not looking for a sandy beach, you'll probably like Daħlet Qorrot, located on the eastern part of the island. Even in high season, you won't find a full beach here. [btn "Find accommodation on Gozo" https://www.booking.com/region/mt/gozo-comino.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-gozo-dahlet-qorrot] Dahlet Qorrot Beach is more of a small concrete promenade without much in the way of facilities, ideal for those who like to swim in the sea in…
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